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PMS Isn't a Myth: The Effects of PMS on Women's Mental Health

PMS Isn't a Myth: The Effects of PMS on Women's Mental Health

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a widely recognised condition that affects many women worldwide. Despite its prevalence, PMS is often... ...more

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June 21, 20233 min read

Nurturing Healthy Connections: Understanding Attachment Styles and Their Impact on Relationships

Nurturing Healthy Connections: Understanding Attachment Styles and Their Impact on Relationships

Human beings are fundamentally wired to seek connection and form deep emotional bonds with others. The way we approach relationships and... ...more

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June 07, 20234 min read

Your body feels and express it when you can’t.

Your body feels and express it when you can’t.

Communication parse is not only transmitted by oral means. In the world of counselling and psychotherapy verbal communication is of great... ...more

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March 15, 20234 min read

Lost in the loneliness of life

Lost in the loneliness of life

Being connected to others socially is widely considered a fundamental human need, crucial to both well-being and survival. Loneliness... ...more

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February 16, 20235 min read

Healing the inner child to heal the adult self

Healing the inner child to heal the adult self

Most of the issues the individual adult deals with might be connect with their up bring. Traumas, attachment issues, emotional blockage... ...more

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February 08, 20235 min read

Coronavirus Anxiety - Is that a real thing or a myth?

Coronavirus Anxiety - Is that a real thing or a myth?

Everyone is talking about a new way of living with the crisis we are facing from the pandemic. What does it mean for our mental health? ...more

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September 23, 20204 min read

Facing anxiety in difficult times

Facing anxiety in difficult times

I know what you are going through. You aren't alone. An estimated 284 million people worldwide experienced anxiety. ...more

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May 19, 20205 min read

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